Sunday, October 30, 2011

A bottle. Yes, I'm gonna go with that.

Let me be honest to you guys.

I'm feeling kinda lost.

This is a problem.

'Lost', here, means not knowing how to reach your destination.
I, meanwhile, have deliberately tried NOT to have a destination.
So, the 'fact' that I feel lost means that I feel there's a destination or goal I have to strive for.

I must have done something terribly wrong.

Or, perhaps, that I have successfully turned into, say, a bottle.

(By the way, 'problem' is usually defined as a condition having deviation(s) from the ideal, and 'this' is usually not defined at all. The subject of the second clause of the previous sentence is, to me, an example of the subject of the first clause of the previous sentence. The previous sentence, meanwhile, is essentially the same as the third sentence of this article/post/rant, with 'to me' added.)
