Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"No, mate. I'm free forever." (Captain Jack Sparrow)

Hehehehe inget post gw yang judulnya "'Losing My Religion' by REM"? Yah pada akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk ikut sidi. Dalam beberapa minggu lagi gw udah akan resmi menjadi seorang Kristen. Seperti yang diinginkan orang tua gw dari waktu gw dibaptis. Haha!

Tapi pandangan gw masih sama kayak waktu itu sih. Orang bisa aja ngaku Kristen dan tetap korupsi. Ada juga kan ateis yang baik yang bener-bener mikirin sesama. Kadang gw malah mikirnya agama engga penting. Gimana dong? Hahaha gw jalanin aja lah dulu.

In other news, my Facebook account was disabled. The account was deactivated. In short, I'm off Facebook. Don't know why, don't know how. Tiba-tiba aja gitu. Padahal tadi siang masih biasa aja. Terus abis itu gw pengen pindah page. Terus tiba-tiba disuruh login. Gw pikir 'ah paling gara-gara disco (istilah guru gw yang sekarang gw pake untuk nyebut disconnect)' jadinya gw ketik password gw. Eh taunya ditulis "Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ here." dengan link ke FAQ mereka. Hahaha agak kaget juga tuh tadi siang. Tapi sebelom gw bikin account Facebook toh gw juga seneng-seneng aja kan? Haha! I can live without you, Facebook. Gw males bikin account lagi, add friend yang dulu lagi, dan terutama, mainin Pet Society sampe level 15 lagi. Lama tau. Jadi lo pada yang baca blog ini dan TAU account Facebook gw, jangan heran. Emang udah ilang itu account kok. Haha!

So? Back to the old, simple me. Kepemilikan itu mengikat. Ikatan itu membatasi. Batasan itu enggak seru. Yaaah itu menurut gw sih.

Monday, April 13, 2009

'All Out Of Love' by Air Supply

Ha ha. Like my friends, I am at last writing about my dream.

I had the dream about a week ago.
It was about me shooting myself in the head.
I died. But that wasn't the end of the dream.
After I died, I met somebody I never met before.
But I felt like I knew him.

He said "Wow."
"You committed suicide. No way you're going to heaven."
"You have to go back to Earth. You're going to have to be reborn."
"But for a dead man to come back to life...."
"It's going to be painful."

After that I found myself standing in a corridor. Quite a wide one.
I walked through the corridor. I knew I had to.
At the end, I came to a door. I opened the door.

Then I woke up.

What does that mean? I don't know.

But two days later my grandpa died.

Coincidence? Fate? Does it even have a connection?
Who the heck knows?

What I know is my grandpa died.
Right before the results of the test came out.
Guess what? I got accepted. Phew.

This was really something for me.
You see, I was not very close with my grandpa.
I can only remember two moments with him.
One was when I was 7 years old.
He would pick me up from school every Friday.
Then we would go to the post office.
He would bought me a slice of pizza from a vendor at the door.
And I can't remember whether I ever thanked him or not.

The other was when I was a bit older.
Me and my cousins were playing a round of minigolf.
He was watching.
At a particular hole, I made mistakes. I got impatient.
It took me 7 strokes to get the ball in. I was kind of mad.
He was a bit cross too.
"Fool," he said. (Well maybe not that harsh, but that's what I remember.)

In short, I always kind of thought of myself as a disappointment to him.
I mean, really, I wasted my time at school.
At home, I never study. I am not a very decent person, too.
I stole things. I cheated. I blasphemed.
All these years, I always felt like I am unworthy of becoming the man's grandson.

But the night my grandpa died, my grandma suddenly said this.
"Yes, he was never disappointed in his children. He was proud of you all."
"His grandchildren too. No one was a disappointment."
Later she said to me what he said a few days before.
"He said, 'Yes, of course he will get accepted.'"
"He always knew it."
"He had no doubts about you."

It seems that, in his eyes,
I am not such a wretch like I thought after all.
Suddenly a MASSIVE burden was lifted from my mind.
Suddenly I was able to think good of myself.
Suddenly I had a kind of a new purpose in my life.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

This is a work of fiction.

Once, there was a house.

One person looked at the house. He doesn't want to enter. So he walked away.

Another person came to the house. He wanted to enter, but he saw the door was closed. So he sneaked to the back, climbed up to the second floor, then entered through the window.

Yet another person came. He, too, wanted to enter the house. So he came to the door and knocked. The master of the house opened the door for him and welcomed him in. Then he entered.

One last person came to the house. He saw the closed door. He came up to the door. He opened the door himself, and entered the house. The house was his all along.