Thursday, March 5, 2015

Out of a Closet

Hi. How's your March so far?

I'd like to take this opportunity to write something less personal than usual. I hope you don't mind. If you do, I apologise. Maybe you can browse my previous posts instead? Or just wait for the next one. Whichever is more convenient for you. Or less. Your choice.


Here goes.

I'm ditching college.

Yep. Seriously.

I imagine that you might have some questions. One of those might be, "Why?" Well, maybe it's best to simply say that I felt, and still feel it to be the right thing to do. Finally. Yes, it had been on my mind and in my heart for quite a long while. And because it had had a lot of time to develop, by now it's rather a complex story, and one involving a deceased person at that, so I'm not going to put it all down in writing here. If you're curious for more detail you're welcome to contact me personally through any of the channels I might have provided.

Another question might be, "What now?" As you might have guessed, it's not unrelated to the previous question. Anyway, now? Now I'm going to do what I want, and what I've wanted since long ago: I'm going to make comics. I believe it needs no further explanation. (Of course, my beliefs could very well be wrong. Interested in crushing them?)

For any other question you might want an answer to, or even if you just want an elaboration of the aforementioned answers, find me where I can be found.


So, that's it. Just an update of what's been going on in the background of my little life. For those of you just learning about this now, and especially those who were upset by it, I apologise. Circumstances were such that we were not close enough (physically or otherwise) for me to tell it to you directly. Again, if you wish to ask me questions about this, you are very welcome. It's very likely that I'm wishing to tell you about it, too.