Monday, December 20, 2010

Somehow, the word 'Anunnaki' is not gibberish to me.


As I've said in the previous post, I'm still here.
(just crossed my mind - "previous" and "post" are somewhat opposites, right?)

Been busy thinking, thank you very much for asking.

Christmas is approaching. That song again. Cripes. Check my post from around 2 years ago if you want to know more about this... syndrome.

The Lost Symbol - not what I expected. Maybe because I don't know that much about America, though.

What else?

Sheesh, I'm reduced to writing an end-of-year review now. Great.

Not that I don't have any ideas, I do. I've written some of them down, in fact.
But I'm having difficulties in getting the ball to start rolling. Which, if you believe this Newton guy, should be the only difficulty present in the moving of a ball (or any object at all).

How do you use cologne? I got a bottle of it (Master Splash Cologne - Spirit) recently, and didn't know (and still don't really know) what to do with it. The instructions in the back only said "splash on to your body" though, so I guess I can't mess it up too badly, can I?

Whoa, I just realized something.
But I'm not sure what that thing is, so, false alarm, I guess.

Well, I think that's all for today, thank you, I should be off now. What for? If you must know, I'm looking for some face/body paint for... fun. Yeah, that's it.

Teeheehee. Bye!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

'Still Alive' by GLaDOS

I'm here! Man it's been a long time. I thought no one reads blogs anymore. What do I know, huh?

Since I've been gone, I have done.... Oh, quite a few things. Discovered Cracked and Omegle, fell in love with calculus (seriously guys), and received a copy of THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY!!!!

Really, I can hardly be happier right now. "It's hard to overstate my satisfaction," as the song said. What song? Read the title, mate. Seriously. It's been a few years, and I still get goosebumps from that song. Oh, and yes, I know, it's technically Ellen McLain, but I could argue that she's just the actress, not the character, and it's the character who said all that, but it would be very long, and frankly I'm not in the mood to argue such things, and you can ask me another time, thank you very much.

I actually had been wanting to write on some topics which I came across a while back. But then I realized that thinking about them is way more fun. Besides, I can't type as fast as I can think, so yeah. Look here fellas. See this. I'm finally starting to live.

And about the HHGG book, I'm sure that further introduction/explanation/commentary is utterly unnecessary. At least I think mine would be. What a wonderful book. A wholly remarkable book. Enough said.

Maybe I'll reach enlightenment soon. Who knows? What a great prospect, don't you think?

So! Ta-ta for now, dear friends. And enemies. Fear not, I'm still here, I'll keep writing. Although maybe it'll mostly be unintelligible gibberish, or random unrelated biased opinions, or baseless conjecture, or even questions.

Glad to be here.

Friday, May 28, 2010

My head hurts.

Hello again, fellow humans. And non-humans, too, if you are indeed reading this.

Recently I came across an old Calvin and Hobbes strip (For those of you who don't know, Calvin and Hobbes is one of my favorite comics, by Bill Watterson.). It was from March 6th, 1991. Here's what the dialogue is about (no pictures, though).

(Calvin is doing his math homework, and....)

Calvin: "You know, I don't think math is a science. I think it's a religion."
Hobbes: "A religion?"

Calvin: "Yeah. All these equations are like miracles. You take two numbers and when you add them, they magically become one NEW number! No one can say how it happens. You either believe it or you don't. This whole book is full of things that have to be accepted on faith! It's a religion!"

Hobbes: "And in the public schools, no less. Call a lawyer."
Calvin: "As a math atheist, I should be excused from this."

I laughed when I first read this. It was hilarious. Well, maybe you need to know what are Calvin and Hobbes like to fully appreciate it, so I strongly recommend you to look it up.

But let's take a closer look.

I mean, I suppose now we do take 1+1=2 for granted. Thus, perhaps it is a religion, according to Calvin's definition. Our teachers at elementary school told us so, and we believe them until now.

But how did the first mathematicians manage?

Imagine. Imagine that you don't know about mathematics. Suddenly you found a pebble. You pick it up. You walk some distance. Then you find another pebble. You pick it up again. Now, you may not know that you picked up one pebble, then one other pebble, and now you have two pebbles, but I think you'd know that if you picked up the second pebble, you'd have more than before. So, is it a matter of nomenclature? Did we just give it a name? Did the concept of addition exist before we found out about it? If so, doesn't it fall under the category of science? We simply 'discovered' that 1+1=2, in the same way that Newton discovered that things maintain their speeds without outside forces. Or maybe we just named it as '1' and '2', just like we call this animal a 'dog' and that other animal a 'horse'. So I guess, for the first mathematicians, math was a science, an empirical art.

But then it evolved. People remember that 1+1=2, and they come up with concepts such as subtraction, multiplication and division, which are simply the modified and repeated forms of addition. It is taught in schools, children are told to memorize tables, and they became a form of tenets and commandments. For instance, if I were to say 1+2=4, I would be violating some kind of 'law', wouldn't I? Mathematics now has rules. It is a system. The tenets are accepted without need for proof. It became, more or less, a religion.

So, which is right? Is mathematics a thing of nature, a science which is subject to change, depending on experimental and empirical findings? Or is it a creation of man, a religion which is set in stone?

Or maybe we simply know too little.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Iron Oxide

Oy vey.

Apparently, nobody reads my blog anymore.
At least, no one have posted any comment for a few months.
(Yeah, as if I have such a significant audience. You wish.)

Also, nearly all the blogs I follow seem to have gone on unannounced hiatus.
Perhaps it is simply because we are all starting to get busier at the same time?
(I suppose that would make sense, since most of the blogs I follow are those of my friends'.
Even my posting frequency has been reduced to once a month. In fact, this is my first second-post-of-the-month in months.)

Or is it simply that blogging have gone out of trend?
Maybe so, like the practice of writing in diaries before it.

I kinda hate it when the world moves too fast.
Oh wait. It doesn't.

It's you people who move too fast.

I'd really like to try to keep still. Just for a few months, maybe.

And if staying in the same place means moving against the current, so be it, I guess.

It's quite tiring, staying in place, you know.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I probably have no right nor am I qualified to be writing this

Recently (a week ago) I read a magazine, which I suppose was intended for college students and related instances. The focus of the magazine, mostly, was about democracy. Of course, we all know about democracy. About how it is a good system, where everyone was equal, blah blah blah. That is the usual stuff.

The interesting part is, in the magazine, democracy was scrutinized and, to my surprise, most of the articles speak of democracy negatively.

This is intriguing! Most of my life, the word democracy had always had a positive connotation to it. My father, not wanting to be a dictator over his children, claims that he always tries to be a democratic leader. In a teen magazine I read, 'democratic parents' are praised and encouraged. Even Obi-Wan Kenobi once said to Anakin Skywalker (in Star Wars ep. III: The Revenge of The Sith): "My allegiance is to the republic; to DEMOCRACY!"

So you see, reading that article, I felt as if someone was claiming that my faith all these years were misplaced, misguided and possibly downright wrong.

But let us view what was meant by democracy nowadays.

Democracy, as I understand it, means 'power to the people.' This statement has been repeated countless times in my lifetime, always with positive undertones. But just what is meant by 'the people' here? How is 'power' distributed?

The most obvious example is of course at the elections. The whole nation gathered together, at least in spirit, to appoint the person/people deemed most worthy and able to lead them.


As a matter of fact, the elections were decided on a majority vote. The idea with the most adherents wins. The master with the most servants rules. Is that kind of reasoning logical?

Of course not. Having a million people thinking 'killing is good' doesn't make it true or acceptable, does it? But unfortunately, that is what most of the world believes now, although people don't admit it. If the majority of people think a course of action is right, then it will be viewed as right.


Of course all would be well if most people use their minds and choose the best decisions. Too bad it is not always the case. Suppose that most of the population pick the wrong choice. The righteous few will have a hard time, as the system itself will have become wrong.

Thus, democracy can be very dangerous, people.

Which brings me to another question: what, then, if not democracy, is the best form of government?

I personally would say anarchy.

Not the looting, rioting kind of anarchy, though. My idea of anarchy simply means a society without organized government. A society which is based on the idea "Mind your own blessed business and be good to people." Atopia perhaps would be a more refined term.

But that also will require everyone to be able to choose the best choice for them, which is not yet likely to happen.

Cripes. What a dilemma.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Death? Not a bad idea.


As usual, another reasonless laugh. (Is that right? 'Reasonless'? I'm not fully confident that that's the word, but still, better than 'unreasonable'.)

My mind is very chaotic nowadays, guys. Even more so than it used to be.
It seems that I don't know where to go.
I mean, if you can only see me in class, I think you'd understand.
What do I do in class? Sleep. Honestly. Or, draw things. Or perhaps read a book not related to the class. Very rarely do I actually pay attention to what the lecturer is saying.

Is that a waste of time?
Some, perhaps most of you would definitely say so.
Of course it is a waste of time. It's so obvious.
Is it really?
Somehow, this twisted mind of mine does NOT see it as time-wasting.
I suppose I have started to ask myself "What, really, is your goal in this life? What is your bloody target?"
What was my answer?
"I don't know. What I know is, now I HATE studying."

Some of you who have known me previously might be surprised. I know, I used to like studying.
At least that's the way it seemed.
Actually, I don't like studying. I like to learn. But I don't like to study.
Once, in my younger years, those two words were (nearly) synonymous.
In elementary school. I love learning about new things. School was FUN.
Junior high, things got a bit rougher, but I could manage. At least school was interesting.
Senior high, I began to lose interest. I began to feel that science (which is what I study, mostly) is no longer expanding my horizon, so to say.
At college, well, you know.

Most people, including some of my best friends and especially my parents, will probably say that I am wrong about this. That I should like studying these things, and if not, to study them anyway.

I disagree.
Why, pray tell, should I stick to do things that I don't like?
Or, perhaps an easier question to answer, what benefits, if any, will they bring?
"If you study well, you would graduate with top grades, and that means a better job with a better salary. Then, after you get all that, you can do what you want, since you will have all you need."
This sort of argument has been around since long ago.
The idea is that after you get more money (or respect or other things which are generally considered worthy and valuable) than you need, then you can start enjoying your life.
That when you have reached a certain point, you shouldn't feel satisfied, and you should try to expand or improve.

Right? Dissatisfaction is what makes the present world go around, right? What induces progress?
This, I think, is a really stupid idea.
"You should not be happy with 'just this'. You should want more."
Then when will we be happy?
Tomorrow? Next month? After I graduate? When I have more money than I would ever need?

Why not now?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (I'm sorry guys, this is extremely cliché, but I can't help myself)

Here I am.

For some reason, I simply can't start writing about the topics I have thought about, so instead I am just going to write about some current things.

First off, JAKARTA 6TH TOYS AND COMICS FAIR IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, FELLAS. If the info I got from The Almighty Google is not faulty, that is. I read it in the Japan Freakz blog (sorry if the spelling is incorrect). THIS IS GREAT NEWS. At least for me. I remember last year when I went to the 5th Fair. I saw some P.O.P (Portrait of Pirates) statues which are really cool. Too bad I didn't have enough money. I really want the whole young Straw Hat crew set.
Ah, but there is no kid Brooks yet in the comics. Damn. Now the most they could do is make the 35-years-old living Brooks, and he would be just the same size with the skeleton Brooks, which would not have significant difference in price. Damn.
And Chopper, that's another problem. As I recall, in the comics there is practically no difference between young Chopper and the present Chopper.
Ah well, but still, I'd really like the whole set. Imagine, young Luffy, young Zoro, young Nami, young Usopp, young Sanji, young Vivi (although she is not in the crew), young Robin and young Franky. AWESOME. Oh, if I remember correctly the set also contains Nojiko, but I don't think she is such an important character.
I wonder if they have made a new set? Young Ace, perhaps?
I sure hope I will be able to go to the fair. Gotta save some money first, though.

Ah, what else is news?

Oh yes! For this one friend of mine who just broke up. It seems that you still can't let this problem pass, eh? Still shutting yourself up from the world? Don't.
Nah, just kidding. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
But I've got something to say to you.
I suppose you have every right to be sad or miserable or to want to be alone for some time.
Just don't overdo it.
And I personally think that you'd be better off chatting and laughing with your friends than try to escape the reality. Face the problem, or forget about it, but don't flee from it.
But hey, what do I know, huh? You're waaaay more mature than I am. Ha ha!
Just remember, you have friends. And I hope that you consider me as one.

Man. When did I get all sentimental like this? Best end this before it gets worse.

A random quote:

"Whether or not you find your own way, you're bound to find some way. If you happen to find my way, please return it, as it was lost years ago. I imagine by now it's quite rusty."
-The Whether Man-

Monday, January 18, 2010

Gw nemu komik Asterix Gladiator yg lama! WOOOHOOO!!!


Udah lama ga buka dengan tawa tanpa sebab yang sangat saya senangi. Selamat malam. Apa yang mau saya bahas sekarang?

Sebenernya, saya tidak ada topik yang sudah direncanakan. Seperti biasa, kali ini pun judul tidak mencerminkan isi. Liburan sialan. Haha. Otak gw udah lengket kali ya gara-gara lama kaga dipake. Kenapa lengket? Ga tau juga ya hahahaha.

Udah lah, recap liburan aja kali ya?

BTW, buat anda-anda yang belom main, saya rekomendasikan main. Seru lho. Gara-gara game ini, Spider-Man tergeser dari posisi nomer 1 superhero favorit saya.

Trus apa lagi ya yang menarik?

Aduh gini nih. Padahal kemaren kepikiran topik yang menarik. Ah sudahlah. Simpan buat berikutnya aja.

Ngantuk ah. Dadah.

(Dan berakhirlah satu lagi postingan engga penting dari kerupukdicabein si bodoh.)