Wednesday, May 20, 2009



I confessed, right? Ha ha.
Well, maybe to you it didn't matter. Much.
You knew it already, after all.
But to me, whoa. Another enormous burden, gone.

I did not do myself justice that day.
In the words of the Gallaghers,
"There are many things that I would like to say to you,
but I don't know how."
This is one effort to say those things.
Hope you read this.

You asked, what made me, you know,
fall for you.
To tell the truth, well, I still don't know for sure.
But I answered (rather jokingly),
that you were handsome, kind, and funny.
We laughed, I know.
But that's true. Really.
You are kind. And funny.
And, in my eyes, yes, you are beautiful.

I wonder, how did you know of my feelings?
Was it very obvious? I hope not.
Was it because I have been quiet to you?
Was it because of that Krispy Kreme I nearly bought for you?
Was it because that time when I kept you company
while waiting for your car?
Shucks. I'll ask you the next time you're online.

As you know, I did not ask you to be my girlfriend.
One reason, as I told you, was that there was another woman.
Or rather, that you were the other woman. Ha ha.
Another reason was, well,
I know that you already have that crush on that guy.
(As if anyone in our class hadn't known that yet.)
And, call me a hopeless romantic, but
I'd rather you get him than I get you. Get it? Ha ha.
And the last reason was that
I thought I wouldn't be able to be a good companion to you.
I couldn't make you laugh like he does so easily everyday.
I couldn't talk to you about all those interesting stuff you like.
Heck, I couldn't even make fun of you like they do.
(Although for this one I am not sorry.)

So? What next?
I know I confessed. And I said I wasn't going to make you my girlfriend.
But who knows? My mind changes a lot.
What am I going to do in the future? I don't know.
But this I know:
You will never be 'just a friend' to me.
You have somehow made yourself special to me.
And that is quite an extraordinary accomplishment.

Remember. You are special. If to no one else, to me you are.


Pangeran Christofel said...

so it's true. IT'S FUCKIN TRUE. gw kira lo bercanda hap.

kerupukdicabein said...

yah memang begitu, mau apa lagi? hahaha

oh by the way, don't post comments which might compromise her identity, 'kay?

DEX said...

gosh hap

J said...

kok sedih sih ya gue bacanya.. good luckkkkkkkkkkk!

esther said...