Wednesday, July 15, 2009

'The Fool on the Hill' by The Beatles

Dammit dammit dammit.

Why all the drama, man?
I thought I was a kook, a freak that would never fall prey to this kind of petty feelings.
Turns out otherwise.

If you have followed me, I think you'd know that I have written some posts on the subject of 'love'.
Truthfully, I am very, very confused about the whole business.

Is it...? Nah, it can't be.... But perhaps...? Is she...? No, I'm not.... Really...?

Do you want to know the truth?


I don't want to fall in love.
I want to be free. Free from all bonds and attachments. Including that of romantic love.

Alas, it had happened. (I think. Read my posts titled 'Futility' and 'Tribute'.)
I wish it hadn't, but it did.

Now I try very hard to forget them and just be friends.
But something always happens to keep me hoping.
Come on. Why can't I just chill about this?

Some days my brain says "you can live without her, dude".
On others, it says "ask her out, man, you know you want to".
But I don't. I don't know what I want. I am still confused.

Sometimes I think I listen to too many love songs.
Sometimes I think I have gone out of the way I had intended to.
But then sometimes I think that it's perfectly fine.

Maybe you'd say that this is okay.
That this is normal. That this is human.
To quote Harry Potter in his agony,

Again, I hate this kind of mixed-up feelings.
How many times have I wished for death?
Really, honestly, I would gladly die.

So, John, yes, I suppose I am that fool who plays it cool by making my world colder.
Don't let Jude near me. Heh heh.
Really? Do you think that I am a fool?

I know, this is petty. I know.
I know that other people can handle this. So why can't I?
Why must I torture myself so?
Why must I deny my feelings?

Ah, maybe I think about this too much.
I really want to say 'screw this, I'm going'.



Ardhn Mohammed said...

Hahahaha you do have some sense on literature you know..haha

Wish for death? Well, maybe I'm not that extreme, but yes, I'm damned tortured too

kemaren gw ngajak makan malem ato jalan lah gebetan gw. Dia setuju, dan nyokapnya katanya bolehin. Eh, giliran gw telfon dan sms lagi abis itu ga pernah di angkat dan dibales. DAMN. Padahal seminggu sebelum hari yang tadinya jadi hari H gw ga bisa tidur nyenyak, kebangun hampir tiap jam, too excited

the difference is, I don't want to be free, I want to have a bond with that person

"Is it...? Nah, it can't be.... But perhaps...? Is she...? No, I'm not.... Really...?" -questions that popped daily-

aduh jadi curhat di sini. heheh maaf ya..hahah

The Blangkon said...

Love is making us crazy, isn't it?

kerupukdicabein said...

'us'? haaaa? siapa 'kita'? hahahahaha

J said...

intinya, you in love with me? haha