Monday, December 22, 2008

Finally, some peace. A teeny tiny itty bitty eensy weensy bit of peace.

Huh akhirnya itu formulir gw kumpulin juga. Hehe. Tadi pagi gw ambil dari sekolah, gw bawa ke Depdiknas, minta stempel apa gitu, trus gw bawa ke Singapore Embassy. Selesai deh. Urusan beginian gw emang paling males. Tapi, cihui lah. All that nagging from my mom will finaly end.

About the scholarship itself, well, I don't really care about the results. Really. The thing I want most from that scholarship is for my essay to be read by people in the education department.

Wanna read the essay? The deadline's today anyway.

I have a certain experience that I want to write here. Once, after a particularly simple and interesting class, my chemistry teacher said, “Now isn’t chemistry fun and interesting?” I answered him, “Every lesson would be fun if only we don’t have to have exams about them.” That comment received laughter from nearly every student in the class. Even the teacher chuckled. But then he continued, “Well what’s the point of studying if you don’t get tested for it?”

That particular remark from the teacher got me thinking. What IS the point? After some thought, I came to a conclusion that all this time, we had it backwards. (By ‘we’ I mean ‘the people I know’) ‘We’ study materials to pass the test. That, I think, is not the real purpose of studying. What is? Well, to learn new things! To expand our knowledge! To make life more interesting! To open up new possibilities for the future! Not just to answer some questions some older people, those so-called ‘experts,’ put up together.

After all that, I continued thinking. Maybe that is why I am not too excited about studying in school. Or even end-of-term exams, for that matter. ‘We’ need some revolution. Now, at our school, nearly all ‘we’ do is rehearsing on previous question papers and trying to figure out ‘what will come up in the exam,’ instead of doing something new or inventive or exciting or fun. I think that is not what education is all about. I suppose that is why, when starting school, an elementary student feels excited. He thinks that he will learn new things, and have fun doing it. Well, by a few years he would start getting bored. He would start falling behind in his ‘studies.’ At least that was what happened to me. Yes, if you compare me to other students, you will find me one of the lazy sorts. A ‘slacker,’ if you will. Am I a stupid student? Maybe I am, maybe I am not. But I do not really care what people think of me.

Why am I writing all this? Partly because I myself am wondering “Why have I fallen behind at school?” I think I am writing this because I want to do better at school. I really do. Everyone does. I just wonder if there was any reason for my decreasing scores, any other reason than simply “You’re not studying hard enough!” And the answer I came to is another question. “Why the heck are you studying?”

I would really like to study the right way so that what I learn can really be useful to me, at least. This is what I have been searching for quite a long time. That does not mean I now have better grades. What I would really like to do is read books, interesting ones, about things that capture my interests. That way I can have fun studying. But I cannot do it right now. I still have some attachments. I still respect my parents, and I think they will not be too happy seeing me doing that.


Kalo diliat, isinya kira-kira kayak post gw yang sebelomnya. Bener kok. Cuma dijabarin aja kan? Hehe. Ini yang gw harap bakal dibaca serius sama orang-orang sana. Gw betul-betul berpikir kalo masalah 'kenapa kita belajar' itu serius banget, sampe-sampe gw bikin 2 post berturutan tentang hal ini.

HAHA! Tapi, yah, gw juga ga peduli banget sih! Kalo lo pada menanggapi dengan positif, makasih, kalo engga suka ya silakan!


Anonymous said...

Osh, setelah beberapa lama tidak blogwalking lagi, akhirnya saya asal klik link yang ada di newsfeeder =))

*betewe, itu maksudnya emoticon yahoo!messenger*

Pertama, salut dengan tulisannya, karena tulisanmu itu benar-benar bagus, puk... = = *iri*

Kedua, kembali pada permasalahan yang kamu temukan dalam essaymu, memang sih... Tujuan kita belajar itu untuk apa sih? Menghadapi tes? Mempermudah hidup? Bertaruh dalam usaha kita bahwa akan ada hari esok yang cerah?

*mulai dramatis*

Well, Seseorang melakukan sesuatu itu harus punya motif... Maka dari itu, ada saja yang belajar demi lulus exam. Short-span goal? Memang.


Iya, saya tahu. Omongan saya agak ngawur. = =a

Ardhn Mohammed said...

The first time in my whole life I read this kind of application essay

-Fantastic and Brillian-

J said...

oke banget loh hap. serius deh. gaya bahasa lo itu LO BANGET. gokil.